If the news that Alpha Tracker & FLS are working together has your "productivity boosting" juices flowing, you're in for a treat.
We're co-presenting a webinar on Thursday 5 December (at noon) to show how we are bringing the power of the FLS scheduler optimiser to work within the Alpha Tracker framework.
Simon Spriggs from FLS will be co-presenting our webinar |
Simon Spriggs from FLS is joining our normal Alpha Tracker webinar team to show how the two products work together, and how this can drive huge productivity gains into your business.
The webinar is at noon and will only last 20 minutes or so. Register here for free: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cNr2w1-MRfCYWHDl_xzNFw#/registration
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!
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