About Start Software

Start Software is an award-winning developer and leading publisher of asbestos software, systems for the legal services industry and more.

Want to know more about asbestos software Alpha Tracker? Alpha Tracker is the most used asbestos software in the UK, Australia & New Zealand with more than 60m items of asbestos data stored.

Our legal services software Alpha Legal helps will writers, accountants, solicitors, IFAs and estate agents to communicate securely with clients. Read about developments here on the blog.

Or need help with Alpha Anywhere or Alpha Transform projects or software development? You'll find useful info here.

Alpha Tracker Release 32 - the "calendar release" - is now available

Release 32 of asbestos software Alpha Tracker is now publicly available and ready to download.

It's the update to Release 31 and contains more than 500(!) improvements.  In particular, we have improved and extended the calendar features within the system incorporating as many suggestions as possible from clients.

Here is a quick video to introduce Release 32 to you:

The release notes are ready and available here https://alpha-tracker.co.uk/release-notes/ for you to read, download, print and keep with your Quality Manual.

Release 32.5 is just around the corner too with significant changes and improvements to the asbestos fibre analysis functions, of particular interest to asbestos labs.

Finally, in these weird and worrying times of Coronavirus "lockdown" and the pressures this is putting on the economies around the world, please know that we are thinking of all of our clients facing tough times and that Start Software and Alpha Tracker will be here to support you now and when we come through the other side.


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