Support Desk has been working all over the Christmas and the New Year period to help asbestos surveyors and administrators calling for help with
asbestos software Alpha Tracker and the site asbestos data capture system,
Tracker Mobile.
Altogether in December, we took 361 calls and 95% of the high priority ones were dealt with within 2 hours. Overall, looking at problems raised with low, medium
and high priority, 83% were resolved within the timescale requested by the caller.
Start Software support performance throughout 2018 |
Remember that you can (and do!) call 24/7 and we're proud to say that you will
always speak to a real human being - never an answerphone and never an automated call system! This support costs us a lot to deliver but we feel it is worth it so that you and your asbestos team have access to the very best support available in the industry.
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