About Start Software

Start Software is an award-winning developer and leading publisher of asbestos software, systems for the legal services industry and more.

Want to know more about asbestos software Alpha Tracker? Alpha Tracker is the most used asbestos software in the UK, Australia & New Zealand with more than 60m items of asbestos data stored.

Our legal services software Alpha Legal helps will writers, accountants, solicitors, IFAs and estate agents to communicate securely with clients. Read about developments here on the blog.

Or need help with Alpha Anywhere or Alpha Transform projects or software development? You'll find useful info here.

Looking for secure storage for your asbestos survey reports?

We've been working with Max and his team at Storage Management Company (SMC)(www.storagemanagement.co.uk) for longer than either of us care to remember (!) and every time I visit their operation I'm struck by their professionalism and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Max and the Storage Management team
Storage Management's document storage services are ideal for busy asbestos consultancies using the Tracker or Alpha Tracker software systems wanting to store asbestos reports or other paperwork off site.  SMC also specialise in physical (tape) and cloud backup services.

They also have great software systems (even though I say so myself!) with bespoke, integrated systems for their document and media services including client portals and automated billing.  Their new Alpha-based client portals are particularly effective and popular with clients.

If you are looking for off-site storage for your asbestos reports I would recommend SMC without hesitation.  Click the image below to go to their website for more information and contact details:

SMC's excellent website


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