Back in September we announced that
Resource Tracker Google Sync was in beta.
We're proud to announce that it is now on general release and can be ordered via the office (by
email or phone 0845 612 2402) or direct from our online shop
Resource Tracker Google Sync is a brand new Tracker module which keeps Google calendars updated for all your staff so that they can see their work diaries at any time from their laptops, home PCs or smartphones.
Google calendars are free and can be set up in a matter of minutes and are the world's most popular online calendars being easy to use, flexible and fully integrated with Google Mail.
The Google calendars are read-only for the staff (so that they cannot amend or delete work scheduled for them). If staff already have Google calendars for personal use, the additional "work calendar" will simply appear automatically on their laptop or phone - but without the option to remove work you have scheduled for them!
Use of this module means that you no longer have to send appointments via email to staff - their own diaries will just automatically sync no matter how many appointments you schedule for them, how many you move, or even how many you delete!
Resource Tracker Google Sync is priced at £750+vat.
Please note that you need Resource Tracker v1.5.500 or higher to use
Resource Tracker Google Sync.