
Our director Robin is passionate (and angry!) about the state of the UK roadside verges.  They are often full of litter and debris and, in his opinion (and ours), it has become a national embarassment. We've created a free app for the CleanUpBritain campaign to enable car passengers to log the condition of verges as they drive along.  This data will be gathered and used by CleanUpBritain to encourage the Government and responsible agencies to do something about it  - the litter is not going away by itself! Try for yourself - it's completely free You can access the app at - give it a try as you are driving home tonight!  Even better, ask your team to use the app to record the condition of roads as they drive around for work - the more data we collect, the better!

About Start Software

Start Software is an award-winning developer and leading publisher of asbestos software, systems for the legal services industry and more.

Want to know more about asbestos software Alpha Tracker? Alpha Tracker is the most used asbestos software in the UK, Australia & New Zealand with more than 60m items of asbestos data stored.

Our legal services software Alpha Legal helps will writers, accountants, solicitors, IFAs and estate agents to communicate securely with clients. Read about developments here on the blog.

Or need help with Alpha Anywhere or Alpha Transform projects or software development? You'll find useful info here.

We have packed up at FAMANZ - come and find us at UKATA, Asbestonomy and EAF later this year

We love taking our Alpha Tracker stand to conferences and exhibitions.

Kim & Judy have just finished up at FAMANZ 2025 in Queenstown, New Zealand, and they met so many wonderful Australian and New Zealand Alpha Tracker users.

What a fabulous event FAMANZ was again this year

We'll be making an appearance at events organised by UKATA, Asbestonomy and EAF later this year, and elsewhere.  Come and find us, say hello, and find out what Alpha Tracker can do for your asbestos, water and fire consultancy.

Our Australian/New Zealand team have a new website. Take a look at

Judy & team have been working hard on their new website supporting our Australian & New Zealand Alpha Tracker clients.  You can see it at


Let us know what else you'd like to see on the website! We'd love to hear.

Improved Master Project importer being tested. Better feedback means higher quality data in your system

Our new Master Project importer is nearly ready and is being tested by two of our beta-testing asbestos consultancy clients.

Look out for the new "Verify" step at position 3 (of 4)

The change introduces a new "Verify" step to check the sites from your Excel spreadsheet and give you feedback before you commit them to the system.

It will highlight where the UPRNs are missing or are the placeholder "TBC" (or similar) and it will also show you where sites already exist in the system.  In addition, it highlights jobs already recorded against the sites you are importing, to help prevent you from importing duplicates accidentally.

Early feedback has been really positive and this updated screen should save your admin teams a great deal of time when checking and fixing mistakes on imports.

Do get in touch if you have any other ideas for improvements.  At Alpha Tracker (UK/Aus), we're here to help

Judy & Kim have arrived in Queenstown, New Zealand, for the FAMANZ asbestos conference

The stand is up (thanks to Judy's husband & kids - they did the hard work while Judy watched on, we believe!!).  That was step 1 - Judy and the stand from Adelaide to Queenstown to arrive at the FAMANZ 2025 asbestos conference.

The Alpha Tracker stand is up - courtesy of Judy's family!

Kim has also arrived in Queenstown from the UK, with husband Tim in tow.  That's quite a journey - they look remarkably refreshed!  Step 2, complete.

If you're attending FAMANZ this year, make a bee-line for Judy & Kim, they will be delighted to talk to you and show you the latest Alpha Tracker Release.

More software updates on the way including a new Exchange Calendar Sync and hyperlinks to photos in asbestos reports

Jack & Adam are working on some more updates to asbestos software Alpha Tracker.

Product Manager Jack and developer Adam

There is a new version of Exchange Calendar Sync which fixes a couple of bugs.  One of the fixes relates to the situation where an appointment is swapped from one member of staff to another, and then quickly moved to another date or time.  One of our asbestos consultancy clients had spotted that appointments in this situation were not always being synced correctly.

Adam has been working on a new feature for PDF asbestos reports.  He's enabling an option so we can including hyperlinks to photos in PDF reports enabling a larger, higher quality photo to be displayed if the hyperlink is clicked on by the report recipient.  This is pretty clever stuff - also helping you to make the most of Alpha Tracker's Client Portal with your clients.

If you've got any ideas for features for Alpha Tracker Release 42, get in touch!

Welcome asbestos, fire & Legionella consultancy Salvum to Alpha Tracker! Great to have you on board

We've just completed the Alpha Tracker setup and training for asbestos, fire & Legionella consultancy Salvum.  What a great team of Health & Safety professionals they are.

Kim and Melika drove down to Salvum HQ to meet and train the admin and asbestos staff.

Melika's (seated front/left) first site visit!

What an excellent team Salvum have

Salvum's website at documents their services and specialities.  They even show a timeline from 2013 which explains their history and development as a business.  

Congratulations Stuart and team on your success - we're pleased to be a part of your future.

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