About Start Software

Start Software is an award-winning developer and leading publisher of asbestos software, systems for the legal services industry and more.

Want to know more about asbestos software Alpha Tracker? Alpha Tracker is the most used asbestos software in the UK, Australia & New Zealand with more than 60m items of asbestos data stored.

Our legal services software Alpha Legal helps will writers, accountants, solicitors, IFAs and estate agents to communicate securely with clients. Read about developments here on the blog.

Or need help with Alpha Anywhere or Alpha Transform projects or software development? You'll find useful info here.

A UK National Asbestos Register is another step closer - keep an eye on Parliament next Wednesday

We've been big supporters of the UK National Asbestos Register initiative (UKNAR) from day 1.

Consultancies using our asbestos software Alpha Tracker know that a basic principle of ours is to be as open and flexible as possible with the asbestos data we store.

In fact, our OpenAsbestos initiative is all about making asbestos registers available to the right people at the right time, with minimum fuss.  Alpha Tracker is fully OpenAsbestos-compliant, of course.

Next Wednesday, 13 September 2023, there will be the first introduction of a Private Members Bill by Andrew Percy MP, simply titled "Asbestos (National Register)".  Let's hope this is the first step towards a sensible, practical, efficient and affordable National Asbestos Register to benefit all.  We certainly hope so.

Keep an eye on Parliament TV next Wednesday

Don't forget to sign the petition, too, it only takes two minutes! https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/635817


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