About Start Software

Start Software is an award-winning developer and leading publisher of asbestos software, systems for the legal services industry and more.

Want to know more about asbestos software Alpha Tracker? Alpha Tracker is the most used asbestos software in the UK, Australia & New Zealand with more than 60m items of asbestos data stored.

Our legal services software Alpha Legal helps will writers, accountants, solicitors, IFAs and estate agents to communicate securely with clients. Read about developments here on the blog.

Or need help with Alpha Anywhere or Alpha Transform projects or software development? You'll find useful info here.

November's Alpha Tracker update now at Beta 4

I was asked the other day what "beta" means when we are announcing software updates.  November's update to our software for asbestos surveyors, Alpha Tracker, has reached "Beta 4" status, but what does that actually mean?

the new appointment scheduling facility in the November release

When we're developing software, we often show customers a very early version for their feedback. Sometimes this software is a long way off being complete and this is known as an "alpha" release. Nothing to do with Alpha the software platform or Alpha Tracker by the way...!

When the functionality in a piece of software is nearly complete and the final bugs are being found and dealt with, we call the release a "beta".  So the release now available in Alpha Tracker is the 4th beta we have released for the November build and our beta testers are giving us feedback now. Please do let us know if you would like to join the list of beta testers.

When we're happy that the release is ready it stops being a beta and becomes a final version.

Hopefully November's release will be issued at the end of next week by the way and it has some lovely new features.  Can't wait!


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